As you all know, everything I do is to help the printing industry.
Case in point: I’m sure you’re all avid readers of AFLOAT magazine (circulation 30,946, proudly printed by Sydney’s Spotpress) – which is free, making it especially attractive to those of us lowly-paid print tragics.
So, I thought I’d give the circulation a bit of a boost by tossing in a Letter to the Editor, railing against the latest injustice the NSW government has dreamed up.
I refer of course, to the powers now invested in fisheries inspectors to arrest you – not for fishing, but for THINKING about fishing!
Now read on …
This is a fascinating saga which involved me going to Court last month to help someone get off – ”hook, line and sinker” – for the crime of THINKING about fishing.
He may have made a rod for his own back and was angling for trouble, but there was something fishy about these inspectors who tackled him quite unfairly.
I know he tried to debait the issue and may have lured them – but in the reel world, the Magistrate would have none of it, and threw the case overboard – cancelling the fine – and waiving court costs!
Surely the pun-ishment should fit the crime?
Read all about it on page 7 of the current issue of AFLOAT magazine! Or go to www.afloat.com.au
And the reason I did it: to help boost Spotpress‘ print run!