Are you Ready?
In the process of de-cluttering, I came across an industry directory from 2008.
Upon flicking through this, it was interesting to observe that five years on, a large percentage of the Employee’s named as Contacts, (key managers) in the Directory are no longer associated with the same Companies.
So what does this mean to you and your business?
Future planning
Business Owners – you may have thought about this for your Business, but what about the opportunities for your key employees. Those that today make your business what it is.
Have you looked at a career path for each of these employees? Especially in small companies it can be difficult to provide a progression plan, but there are other ways to encourage your key performers to stay the course. Commonly referred to as “skin in the game”.
This can also provide an exit strategy that will in turn protect all of your employees, rather than the typical exit plan, being “selling your client list”, for a nominal sum and being left to dispose of the plant and assets.
Employees – You love what you are doing today, how often do you think about WIFM -“what’s in it for me”.
Sure you are being rewarded financially, but what’s the future in your current role?
The number one reason Employees candidates seeking new opportunities give us is their Future. What will happen to me when the Boss decides he/she wants out? I better move on before that happens….
Sure, JDA’s business is based on finding great employees, but it may come as a surprise that we spend a lot of time counselling prospective Applicants on staying where they are.
JDA is more than just another Employment Agency. We are the Specialists in Recruitment for the printing, sign, label and packaging industry.
If you would like a no obligation confidential discussion about keeping your key performers on board, trends in skill demands, wage rates, workforce planning or other employee related matters call our Chris Gander, Director of Recruiting.He takes his coffee black…